Spring 2022 Classes

Homeschooling class

The following online classes are currently available for enrollment. 

Please note that we also teach small private classes that are not listed here.

If the offerings below do not fit your schedule, feel free to email us, and perhaps we can find a class for your young writer. 

To register, please send an email to [email protected].

Please provide:

  • The title of the course.
  • Your child's name.
  • Your child's age as of March 21.
  • A daytime phone number for us to reach you. 

Either Writing Coach Shu-Hsien Ho or Royd Hatta will respond as soon as possible. 

Chained Between Two Worlds:
Literature on the American Revolution

An Online English course for Grades 7-9
Taught by Writing Coaches
Royd Hatta & Shu-Hsien Ho

TUESDAYS 9:45am-11:00am PST
March 22 - May 24, 2022
(No session on April 12, Spring Break)

9 Zoom sessions
75 minutes each

Minimum 6 students, 
Maximum 10 students

6 students: $372 per student
7-10 students: $352 per student

Includes detailed feedback for essay drafts 
and up to 90 minutes 1-on-1 coaching.

Readings will include: 

Chains by Laurie Halse Anderson
(historical fiction: American Revolution)

Excerpt from Common Sense by Thomas Paine
and its impact on the U.S.  

Students will be invited to visit this turning point in American history from the unique perspective of a slave girl. Isabel Gardner seeks freedom from her masters, and struggles to choose sides between British Loyalists and the Patriots. Join us to discover how Thomas Paine's famous Common Sense treatise plays a central part in this thought-provoking story of a girl who must fight for her own independence in the midst of war. 

As always, we will enter a “deep dive” to question and understand the layers of meaning in this historical novel. How is the novel relevant to our current world? Our exploration will include the core story elements of character development, plot, conflict, themes, symbols, and other key literary devices. Students will develop their critical thinking skills while learning concrete steps for writing literary analysis essays. 

To register, please contact: [email protected]
Woman in Field - Chains

Photo by Ian Kiragu on Unsplash 

TED Talks: The Power of Persuasive Ideas and the Spoken Word

An Online Workshop For Writers Ages 11-14
Taught by Writing Coach Shu-Hsien Ho

Tuesdays, 1:15pm-2:30pm PST
March 22 - May 24, 2022
(No session on April 12, Spring Break)

9 Zoom lessons
75 minutes each

Minimum 6 students 
Maximum 9 students

Tuition: $355 per student

Includes detailed feedback on written assignments & 1:1 coaching.

Imagine having the power to attract large crowds and world leaders, and capture their complete attention with an important message.

What if a person could inspire millions to take actionable steps toward reducing global warming, making our world better for all? 

In each of these cases, it was a child or teen who persuaded spell-bound audiences to consider their spoken words.

This workshop invites students to learn the tools and techniques of TED Talk speakers and write their own powerful speeches. We'll brainstorm ideas and stories that students see as important and worth sharing.

As always, our workshops will walk through every step of the writing process:

  • Understanding the structure and the power of a compelling story
  • Generating and organizing ideas 
  • Writing with momentum 
  • Revising for clarity and logic 
  • Editing towards a final draft 

Each student will be invited to present a talk on the last day of class.

To register, please contact:

[email protected]

TedTalk Speech

Photo by Wan San Yip on Unsplash 

When Truth Is Stranger than Fiction

An Online Workshop on Fact-Driven Articles

For Grades 7-8

Taught by Writing Coach Royd Hatta

March 30 – May 25, 2022 (8 lessons)

(No session on April 13, Spring Break)

8 Zoom lessons
60 minutes each

Minimum 5 students, 
Maximum 8 students

Tuition: $265 per student
Includes detailed feedback & 1-on-1 coaching.

This course shows how fact-driven, issue-oriented essays can be just as thrilling and insightful as fast-paced fiction. Even better, it can be life-altering.

When it leans more to the sciences, it’s called science writing. When it leans more to the literary, it’s called literary journalism or creative nonfiction–one of our favorite genres to read. Often, all of the above are grounded in both fact AND personal experience.

In this research-based class, we’ll write fun articles that incorporate facts from several sources and synthesize them to create our own observations just like the pros do. 

Readings may include articles from

  • Maya Angelou
  • Malcolm Gladwell
  • David Foster Wallace 
  • James Baldwin
  • The New Yorker
  • The Atlantic
  • Outside, and other high adventure magazines
  • and other articles with a sense of forward drive.

To register, please contact:

[email protected]

Blue Lobster
Photo by David Clode on Unsplash

Dragons, Danger & Drama

An Online Fantasy Story Workshop For Ages 9-11

Taught by Writing Coach Shu-Hsien Ho


March 24 – May 26, 2022 (9 lessons)

(No Class April 14, Spring Break)

9 Zoom lessons
60 minutes each

Minimum 5 students,

Maximum 8 students

Tuition: $297 per student
Includes detailed feedback & 1-on-1 coaching.

Readings will include the following novel:

Haroun and the Sea of Stories by Salman Rushdie

Imagine facing thousands of flying monkeys as they send bolts of lightning toward you and your towering castle keep. Luckily, your long bearded mentor has a solution. Too weak to call upon the mythical dragon himself, he teaches the ancient, tragic poem of the Fracture, the only words that will raise the dragon from her sleep and defend those who know its song! 

This workshop will ask students to develop their own heroes, mentors, and tricksters, as they delve deep into the adventures, struggles, and unexpected solutions of their story worlds. We will guide students through our own cohesive Hero’s Journey Map, the hidden, underlying structure that permeates all stories. 

We’ll provide a highly interactive, playful environment to inspire students to create their own tales of fantasy, mystery, historical fiction, or anything in between. This course will walk through all steps of the writing process: generating first ideas, writing new scenes, organizing, researching and integrating details, revising for clarity and logic, and editing toward a final draft. At the end of the course, students will present a reading from one of their stories.

To register, please contact:

[email protected]

Dragons & Drama
Photo by Allyson Beaucourt on Unsplash 

Mirrors of Humanity  - Politics and Technology

An Online Literature & Literary Analysis Course

WED 10 AM-11:15 AM PST
March 2  – May 11, 2021 

(No Session Apr. 13, Spring Break)

10 Zoom lessons
75 minutes each

Minimum 2 students • Maximum 8 students 

2-3 students: $575 per student per course
4-8 students: $475 per student per course

Includes detailed feedback on essays & private 1:1 coaching. 

In this course,  we will explore Orwell’s classic 1984. Each year this novel astounds as we creep closer to its prophetic vision into our modern world. It's both a love story like no other, and a warning of how citizens can be steered, forced, and eventually embrace the tools of technology from the governments that control them. Given the world events that we are experiencing now, there never seems to be a better time to revisit and analyze this groundbreaking work. We will pair this reading with Orwell's own "Politics and the English Language" essay.

  • 1984 by George Orwell - A Dystopian Classic
  • "Politics & the English Language" by George Orwell

To register, please contact:

[email protected]