Summer 2020 Camps
Due to the Coronavirus situation we are
converting our in-person classes to an online Zoom format.
Story & Math Camp with Amelia Chan
For Rising Gr. 3-6 Students:
Mon-Fri • July 20-24
For information and registration steps, please visit this link:
Due to the Coronavirus situation we are
converting our in-person classes to an online Zoom format.
Mighty Warriors & Mythical Beasts.
For Tweens, ages 11-13:
Mon-Fri • July 6-10 • 10:00am-11:30pm
Minimum 6 students, Maximum 12
Tuition: $275 per student
Imagine facing thousands of flying monkeys as they send bolts of lightning towards you and your towering castle keep. Luckily, your long-bearded mentor has a solution. Too weak to call upon the mythical dragon himself, he teaches the ancient, tragic poem of the Fracture, the only words that will raise the dragon from her sleep and defend those who know its song!
This workshop will ask students to develop their own heroes, mentors, and tricksters, as they delve deep into the adventures, struggles, and unexpected solutions of their story worlds. We will guide students through the Hero’s Journey, the hidden, underlying structure that permeates all stories. We’ll provide a highly interactive, playful environment to inspire students to create their own tales of fantasy, time travel, historical fiction, science fiction, or anything in between.
Our course will walk through all steps of the writing process:
- generating first ideas,
- writing new scenes,
- organizing & sequencing
- integrating details,
- revising for clarity and logic, and
- editing towards a final draft.
Each student will be invited to present a reading on the last day of class.
Due to the Coronavirus situation we are
converting our in-person classes to an online Zoom format.
Marvels & Maniacs
A Zoom Fiction Writing Workshop
For Teens, ages 13-18:
Mon-Fri • July 27-31 • 11:00am-12:30pm
Minimum 6 students, Maximum 12
Tuition: $300 per student
Taught by Writing Coaches Royd Hatta & Shu-Hsien Ho
This year, we’ll discuss the idea behind the saying, "There is not the slightest difference between a monster and a monk!" Throughout the week, we will explore ways to add depth to your characters, whether they are heroes, allies, mentors, tricksters, or villains.
This session will include:
- interactive warm-up games
- group discussion of powerful ways to create intriguing characters
- techniques for writing memorable scenes & breaking through writer’s block
- plenty of deep dive writing time
Please have the following on hand:
- your imagination and enthusiasm
- an object or picture that inspires story ideas
- a spiral bound paper notebook, pencils/pens and erasers or
- a fully-charged laptop computer with power cord
- a bottle of water
Our course will walk through all steps of the writing process:
- generating first ideas
- writing new scenes
- organizing & sequencing
- integrating details
- revising for clarity and logic, and
- editing towards a final draft.
Each student will be invited to present a reading on the last day of class.