Summer 2021 Camps

Homeschooling class

Due to the Coronavirus situation we are

converting our in-person classes to an online Zoom format. 

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Photo by Fabian Blank on Unsplash

The Strange Case of the Purple Pig:

A Zoom Story Writing Workshop

Taught by Writing Coaches Royd Hatta & Shu-Hsien Ho

For Children Ages 7-10  - 
JULY 12-16, 2021
Mon-Fri 9:30am-10:30am PT


5 lessons on Zoom
Minimum 5 students, Maximum 12
Sliding Scale Tuition: $175-$250 per student
Includes detailed feedback for student story drafts.

For Tweens Ages 11-13
JULY 26-30, 2021
Mon-Fri, 10am-11:15am PT


5 lessons on Zoom
Minimum 5 students, Maximum 12
Sliding Scale Tuition: $225-$275 per student
Includes detailed feedback for student story drafts.

Imagine a small purple pig waddling down a street. It begins to bellow its song, blaring throughout the neighborhood as windows begin to shake. You tip-toe behind it, but upon being seen, it leaps into a bush. You run after it, but there’s nothing to be found in the thorny shrub. Suddenly, clouds blow in, darkening the once beautiful day. Lightning erupts, and in the sky, electrified clouds reveal an enormous floating purple pig. Where in the world did this purple pig come from? What does it want? How might a hero deal with it? What problems might it cause? "Questions, Questions, Questions" are what we need to ask as we write our own stories. How might you explain the appearance and existence of such a mysterious or humorous creature, AND make us believe it?

Join us as we create outlandish situations and discover how impossible scenarios can occur through your own imaginative logic and plot twists. All ideas are welcome! 

Our course will walk through all steps of the creative process: generating first ideas, writing new scenes, organizing, integrating details, revising for clarity and logic, and editing towards a final draft. Each student will be invited to present a reading on the last day of class. 

To register or send questions, please email: [email protected]

Due to the Coronavirus situation we are

converting our in-person classes to an online Zoom format. 

Tricksters and Villains Among Us -


For Teens, ages 12-18:

Mon-Fri • July 19-23 • 11:00am-12:30pm 

5 lessons on Zoom

Minimum 5 students, Maximum 12

Sliding Scale Tuition: $240-300 per student

Includes detailed feedback for student story drafts.

Have you ever noticed how many stories have a hero that fights a villain only to reveal that another villain perhaps exists? This workshop explores the idea of a trickster villain, and the omniscient villain that perhaps pulls the strings in the shadows. The trickster villain may be an ally that turns on the hero, or even a long buried trauma that blinds the hero and drives them to their own demise. This villain behind the villain adds a layer readers, and writers, might not have guessed during the trajectory of our hero's story. And, of course, it makes the storytelling more satisfying with its surprise ending. Join us as we enter the dark side and discover the ultimate power behind the “false” enemy. We’ll discuss and plan the Villain behind the Villain’s larger plans that were always in place, but hidden from our heroes eyes. Writers of all story genres are welcome.

Will Ninja Desserts Sell?  


A Teen Entrepreneurs Zoom Workshop

For Teens, ages 12-18:

Tuesdays & Thursdays, June 29 - July 29, 2021

4-5pm PT, 10 lessons, 1 hour each

Minimum 6 students, Maximum 12 students.

Tuition: $350 per student 

Taught by Writing Coaches Royd Hatta & Shu-Hsien Ho

Imagine baking moist, frosted strawberry cupcakes for your neighbor’s birthday party or selling beautiful photographs of Sequoia and Yosemite on Perhaps, you're up to designing fun fantasy game apps for smartphones. All three of these business ideas were created by our students, ages 18 and younger! If you've ever been curious to start your own business, this workshop is the place to begin. This course will be a highly interactive, playful, hands-on workshop for young entrepreneurs who would like to explore building their own home-based businesses with the support of parents, friends, and mentors. We’ll walk through the steps of brainstorming and developing possible products or services, researching target customers, writing persuasive ads, creating marketing plans, and presenting a clear one-page business plan for taking action.