Cindy’s Snowy Adventure

Cinnamon Roll Story Pic

Cindy’s Snowy Adventure

Olivia Chen, 8

A November 2024 Monthly Story Challenge Winner 

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Way back in the past, when everyone and everything could talk and understand each other, there was a snowy, ice covered cliff. And on that cliff was a tiny, poor town. The cliff was so high that whatever the season, snow and ice always rested on the cliff itself, the trees, and everything else that was on the cliff. During the winter, there were always at least twenty-seven blizzards. Snow would usually pile all the way up to the top of the doors to the townspeople’s houses during the viscous blizzards. The only way to stay warm in the arctic weather was to trudge on the snowy plains to the dark forest that was three miles away from the town to gather firewood. But still, you would be lucky if you found just one twig that was dry and not covered in ice or snow.

Now, I shouldn’t have said the only way. You see, if the townspeople didn’t get enough firewood, (which I don’t think a person has ever gotten enough) they will head toward the corner of the town, where the town bakery stood. The town bakery was famous for one thing: their cinnamon rolls. Not one person that entered the bakery left without a cinnamon roll in hand. The town bakery had a greenhouse where the bakers collected firewood from the trees they grew inside it. Twelve of the bakers even had to cross the forest, cross seventeen rivers and streams, pass through two more forests, and climb up a very steep path to collect the bamboo wood and bring it all back so the other bakers could build a warm greenhouse! Then they collected acorns and tended the small oaks until they could be chopped into firewood. 

One winter day, a cinnamon roll named Cindy was made and placed on a tray with eleven other cinnamon rolls. Cindy and the other eleven rolls were packed into separate glass boxes and placed onto the front window to show off. As the day wore on, Cindy made some new friends! But as the sky grew darker and the air grew colder, a blizzard began. Wind howled outside the window and snowflakes fell in a flurry. Suddenly, a strong wind shattered the corner of the window. Next thing Cindy knew, she was whisked out of the broken corner still with the glass box around her, being carried by the wind. She rolled every which way, hitting the cold frost covered glass walls of the box. 

“SOMEBODY HELP ME!!! GET ME BACK TO THE TOWN BAKERY!!! HEEEEELP MEEEE!!!!!!! RESPOND IF YOU HEARD ME!!! HEEEEELP!!!” Cindy screamed. She waited…and waited…no response.

“Guess I’ll never return to the bakery,” Cindy sighed, her heart sinking. 

Finally, morning came and the storm stopped. Cindy was dropped onto some snow covered rocks, which broke the glass box around her. The wind was still strong, and slowly, Cindy’s cinnamon was flying everywhere. No matter how fast she rolled to try to get the cinnamon back, Cindy never succeeded. Just then, she heard a growling noise behind her. She slowly turned and came face in face with a snow leopard. 

 “You must be one of the famous cinnamon rolls from the town bakery. I will be happy to eat you. Come closer, closer…” The snow leopard growled in a deep voice. 

Just before the snow leopard’s paw could snatch Cindy up, Cindy rolled out of the rocks and hurried over to a tree stump with an empty hole. Or at least she thought it was empty. When she looked more closely, she could spot an owl with three owl chicks inside. Cindy flicked some of her cinnamon off, onto the owl mother. The sleeping owl instantly woke up.

"Yes? Whooo woke me up? A cinnamon roll? Quite interesting. How may I help you?” The owl hooted.

Cindy told the owl About how the blizzard had brought her to the rocks and she had escaped the snow leopard and rolled to the owl’s stump. She also asked if the owl could lead her back to the bakery. 

The owl mother cocked her head and replied,"I am nocturnal. If you could wait till nightfall, I’d be happy to help.”

Cindy shook her head, “I cannot wait that long. Thanks anyway.”

Then Cindy trudged away. At that moment, she spotted an arctic hare munching on her cinnamon. She raced over to the tiny creature and tried throwing cinnamon at her. Unlike the owl, the arctic hare just ate all the cinnamon she threw. Cindy sighed. Another failure. She thought.

As she rolled on, she found herself in the dark forest. The sun was setting, and almost all of Cindy’s cinnamon was gone. It was hard to navigate in the dark place. Cindy couldn’t see a thing, and she kept on bumping into branches and trees and tree roots. As she stumbled in the dark, a voice called out to her.

“Hello! My name is Mahogany! I’m a deer fawn. Would you like me to help you back out of the forest?”

Cindy couldn’t believe her ears! It wasn’t like she’d get to the bakery, but at least she was getting closer! 

"Yes! Of course! Thank you, thank you, thank you! You’re the best!” Cindy cried.

There was a rustling of leaves, and then a deer fawn stepped out from behind a tree. Mahogany then trotted through the trees, going slow so Cindy could keep up with her. By the time they exited the forest, It was the middle of the night and a full moon was shining in the sky. The air was freezing cold, but Cindy was too grateful to mind. 

"Thank you, thank you!” Cindy gratefully thanked Mahogany.

Cindy was tired after her long adventure. She found a soft pile of newly fallen snow and curled up on top of it. After a good night's sleep, she woke up, ready for the fresh new day. As she kept on rolling along, she spotted two arctic fox cubs playing with each other. She was too excited to see another animal that she didn’t notice that all her cinnamon had fallen off. 

"Hi! I’m Cindy the cinnamon roll. May I ask you, can you help me back to the bakery?” Asked Cindy.

The cubs turned around. One of them spoke,"Hello Cindy. My name is Glacier, and this is my little brother Froster. I’m sorry, we can’t help you back to the bakery. We only know the way to the edge of the town. You’ll have to find the bakery by yourself. Once we leave you there, you should probably follow the border of the town to get to the bakery. Our mother is expecting us for breakfast soon, so we can’t come with you. Just follow us for now.” 

Cindy was still grateful that Glacier and Froster were willing to help out. Glacier scooped Cindy up with her paw and raced off, Froster following close behind. When they got to the edge of the town, Glacier and Froster sprinted off, even before Cindy could say thank you.

Cindy followed Glacier’s tips, rolling around the border. After what seemed like 20 miles, Cindy finally reached the bakery. The snow had lowered to its original height, allowing Cindy to squeeze through the bottom of the door. As she rolled in, a baker bent down and picked her up. 

"Oh my! The 12th show off cinnamon roll has come back! I must tell our master!” He said excitedly.

"What’s going on?” The master asked as he entered the room. He walked over to Cindy and examined her closely. 

 “I think this is not a cinnamon roll anymore. Looks to me more like a snow roll. It’s covered in snow and has no more cinnamon on it,” The master pointed out.

The baker who was holding Cindy shrugged. I don’t know. Maybe we could make her a snow roll. Children in this town love eating fresh snow. It’s…going to be quite cold though. He thought. But then his mind was made up. He would make Cindy a snow roll. He rushed out of the bakery with a basket in hand. He filled the basket to the brim with snow and brought it back. After cleaning all the snow, scraped off the snow on Cindy and put the clean snow on. Instead of looking like a cinnamon roll now, Cindy looked more like a white cinnamon roll that was very big. 

The baker showed Cindy to the master, and the master loved it. All the bakers in the town bakery rushed outdoors, collecting snow. Then they made lots of snow rolls and put them in the display window. Customer after customer hurried into the bakery, but instead of ordering the regular cinnamon roll, they all ordered a snow roll with a cup of hot chocolate. And from that day forward, the most popular food in the town was snow rolls with a cup of hot chocolate. The master decided to put Cindy in a glass jar and place it on the ordering table, where the customers ordered their bread and sweets. As the customers streamed in, they all remembered how snow rolls were invented. All because of a brave cinnamon roll named Cindy. But Cindy also had to remember her friends that brought her back to the bakery, or else she would be lost forever.

The End

Check out Olivia's other story:

A Rainbow Realization

Olivia Chen Fairy

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