Gnome Powers

Gnome Powers SM

Gnome Powers

by Lauren

A July 2024 Monthly Story Challenge Winner

Read a previous Story: The Stolen Dragon:

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It was a peaceful morning and two sisters named Layla and Kate  were getting out of bed. Kate yawned. Layla stretched. They were both really tired from the party last night. Just then they heard a loud thump up on the roof. 

“What was that?” asked Layla. 

“I’m not sure,” replied Kate. “Let’s go check it out.” 


They climbed up to the rooftop and to their surprise they saw a flying unicorn called an alicorn. It had black mane, a dark brown body, and a sparkling, navy horn. 

“Wow!” exclaimed Layla. “I wonder why it’s here?” 

“I am here because there is a really bad problem in the Kingdom of Fantasy,” said the alicorn. “Joy, the queen of the gnomes, wants you to come to her palace straight away.”

“Double wow!” cried Layla. “You can talk!” 

“Yes, I can talk,” said the alicorn, “My name is Moonbeam. Anyway, we need to go, the queen is waiting for us.” 

“Wait, what exactly is the big problem?” asked Kate.

“The queen will explain,” said Moonbeam. “We are in a rush.” 


Layla and Kate both hopped on to the alicorn. 

“No, no,” said Moonbeam. “I will call my sister to take one of you.”

“Okay,” said Layla. “I’ll fly on your sister.” 

Moonbeam played a special melody on a flute and her sister came.  She looked exactly the same as her sister!

“Hello,” Moonbeam said to her sister. 

“Hi,” answered her sister. 

“This is my twin sister, Starlight,” said Moonbeam. 

“Hi, Starlight,” said Kate. 

“Hello, Starlight,” said Layla.

“Starlight,” said Moonbeam. “This is Kate and this is Layla. Layla will be riding you to the palace.” 

“Okay,” said Starlight. “Let’s go.” 


They soared through the bright and peaceful morning. As they flew, Layla and Kate held on tight to the alicorns’ silky, smooth necks. When they arrived they walked towards the palace gate. Two guards stood in front. 

“Hi,” said Starlight “We’re here to meet the queen.” 

“Okay,” said one of the guards. “Come in. I will lead you to the throne room.”


The guard led Kate, Layla, Moonbeam, and Sunlight into the palace. Queen Joy was knitting a scarf. She looked sad. 

“Hello,” said the queen gloomily. 

“Hi,” said Layla. “What’s the matter?” 

Joy looked at Moonbeam. 

“You didn’t tell her,” she said. 

“Sorry, I didn’t,” said Moonbeam. “We were in a rush and I thought you were waiting.” 

“That’s alright,” said Joy. “I am glad to tell them myself. So, there is good and bad news. Which one do you want to hear first?” 

“The bad news,” said Kate.

“Okay,” said Joy. “The bad news is King Jingle has been taken away by the evil trolls. I think they’re going to take his powers for themselves.  The good news is that you two are here and you can save him.” 

“Are you sure we can do it?” said Layla “I don’t think we are ready.” 

“Of course you’re ready,” said Joy. “I will go with you.”

“Okay,” said Kate, feeling apprehensive.

“Okay,” said Joy. “We’ll start tomorrow morning. I will show you your room.” 


Joy led them over to the guest room. 

“Here it is,” Joy said. 

“It’s really nice,” Layla said. 

It was a green-themed room with green walls, green blankets and pillows, a green nightstand, a green mat, and a green chair and desk. Even the closet was green. After all, gnomes love green.

“Now I will give you a tour of the palace,” said Joy. 


First, she showed them the kitchen and introduced them to the chef. Then, she showed them her room. Her room was also green. Next, she showed them the garden. It had many different herbs and vegetables. After that, she showed them the playground. It was a really fun one. It looked like a tree house. The sisters played in it for 10 minutes and then they continued on with the tour.  Finally, she showed them Jingle’s room. When she showed them that, she got sad. 

“Oh, how I wish Jingle was here,” worried Joy. 

“Don’t fret,” said Kate. “We’ll save him.” 


They had a delightful lunch. Then they played on the playground a bit more.  After that, they had dinner. Dinner was also delicious. They had many types of delicious vegetables from the garden and pasta. Then they went to bed. They slept soundly until morning.  In the morning they woke up and came to the throne room where the Queen was waiting. 


“Good morning,” the queen said. 

“Good morning,” said Layla. 

“Mornin’,” said Kate. 

“Did you have a good sleep?” asked the queen. 

“Yes,” said Layla. 

“The beds were really comfortable,” said Kate. 

“Well, thank my helpers,” said Joy. “Anyway, let’s go now. Jingle is in trouble. The alicorns (Starlight and Moonbeam that the sisters had flown on the previous night) appeared next to them, along with one other alicorn. It had a light brown mane and a white body. 

“This is our friend, Spark,” Moonbean said. 

“Hi, Spark,” said Layla. 

“Hello,” said Kate. 

“Hello,” said Spark. “Let’s go now! Joy, you can ride on me.”


In minutes, they landed in The Land of Trolls. 

“Wow!” exclaimed Layla. “This place looks scary.” 

“Well, you’re right,” said Joy. “It is really terrifying. It is the most horrifying place in the Kingdom of Fantasy.” 

“Are you serious?!” said Kate. “Right now, we are going to the most frightening place in the Kingdom of Fantasy?” 

“Yep, that’s right,” said Joy.

“Wow,” said Layla again. 

They walked to the gate. There were two guards. 

“What are you doing here?” asked one. 

“What do you want?” questioned the other. 

“Wow,” said Kate “The other guards were way kinder than these ones.” 

“Yes, of course,” said Joy. “This is the land of evil that was the land of good.”

Um, guys,” said Layla. “Aren’t we going to answer them?” 

“Oh yeah,” said Joy. “You can.” 

“We are here to find Jingle,” said Layla. 

“Then we’re not letting you in,” said the guards. 


They hid behind a rock and discussed a plan. 

“Good idea,” said Kate, after they discussed. 

Joy had seafood and meat. They asked the guards if they were hungry. The guards said, “Yes”. Joy had also brought a pan. She made a fire with the help of the sisters and then put the seafood and meat on the pan. She gave the food to the guards. When the guards were busy eating they ran into the castle. It smelled like the overpowering scent of musty, putrid mud. A minute later, the guards found out. They ran into the castle and tried to stop them from getting into the throne room. If they did, they’d surely get fired. As soon as the guards caught sight of them they ran straight forward at the three travelers – Layla, Kate, and Queen Joy. But, they dodged the guards. The guards ran straight into a wall. 

“Wow,” said Layla “That was easy.” 


The three of them ran into the throne room. They saw Stench, the king of the trolls sitting on his throne. Except it wasn’t exactly a throne. It was a bean bag made out of mud. In fact, the whole castle was made out of mud.  


Stench was distracted ordering other trolls around. The three travelers hid behind a stinky socks drawer. But, just as Layla’s pinky finger went out of sight, Stench saw it. 

“What are you doing in my castle?!” shouted Stench. 

“Um, nothing,” said Kate. 

“Well, you must be doing something,” said Stench. 

“Well, we are not,” said Layla. 

“Tell me now!” ordered Stench. 

“We are here for Jingle,” sighed Kate. 

“No!” ordered Stench. 

“Why not?” asked Kate. 

“Because I want to rule the world!” shouted Stench. 

That sentence echoed through the whole castle. 

“How are you going to rule the world with Jingle?” asked Layla, hoping he would say the real answer. 

“Because I have a machine that will take out his powers and give them to me!” cried Stench “Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!”

“Well, those powers can only be used for good things,” lied Joy. 

“Wait what!” bellowed Stench. 

“Yep,” said Joy. 

“Okay,” said Stench “Then I guess you can have him back.” 

“Yes!” said Joy, accidentally. 

“What!?” said Stench. 

“Were you trying to trick me!?” shouted Stench. 

“Um, no?” said Kate. 

“Yes, you were!” yelled Stench. 

“Fine, we were,” said Layla. 

“I have decided that we’ll battle until one team knocks down all 3 players on the other team,” said Stench. 

“Fine,” said Kate. 

Stench called his two best warriors. One was named Rocksmasher and the other was named Blackthorn. 

“Let the fight begin!” roared Stench. 

Joy divided the weapons that she got from her backpack among Kate, Layla, and herself. They each had one sword, three ninja stars, and one ring. The power of the ring was that whoever had it could teleport to wherever they wanted to go by tapping the ring. Stench’s team didn’t really have any weapons. They had rocks, tomatoes, and snot balls. Layla chose Blackthorn to fight against. Kate chose Rock Smasher and Joy chose Stench. Layla threw ninja stars at Blackthorn. Blackthorn tried to block them but as he touched them they wounded him. He was on the ground. Kate used the sword to fight against Rocksmasher. Rocksmasher tried to throw rocks at her but she defended them with her sword. Then she pinned him down to the ground and put the tip of her sword right near his face. 

“You got me,” said Rocksmasher. 


Joy threw the ninja stars at Stench but he shielded them with his arms and they came right back at Joy. She dodged them and caught them. Then, she used her sword. Stench took out his own sword and they fought. Joy got a scrape, it was bleeding but she kept on fighting. Stench pinned Joy to the ground. Joy touched her ring and appeared behind him. Then she jumped up his back and pinned him down. 

“Oh no,” said Stench. 

“I’m not doing anything to you,” said Joy “Just don’t do anything wicked to me ever again.” 

“Okay,” said Stench. 

Stench called his butler, who was also very disgusting and dirty, to bring Jingle to them. When Joy saw him, she was so thrilled that she jumped on him and hugged him as long as she could. When Jingle got up and saw Joy he was also overjoyed. Layla and Kate were also very gleeful; they joined in with the hug. They went back to the palace and the kingdom welcomed Jingle back with lots of gifts.

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