The Frog Girl

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The Frog Girl

by Medha, 8

An November 2024 Monthly Story Challenge Winner 

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Once upon a time there was a girl named Aria who wanted to play  outside in the forest and she loved frogs so much that she wanted to  find some to learn about them.

Should she go out and look for frogs?  It will be very scary because there are bears and coyotes. Aria is  scared of them.

“There is a pond right there!” Aria shouts. “Can I  explore?”

“Yes yes Aria.” her dad says.

So, she went into the woods to the pond and looked down in the pond. 

“I see 12 tadpoles!” she  shouts. All the tadpoles swim up to her and look like they want some food. She had seen these exact same tadpoles before. “Maybe that is why the tadpoles came up to her and that is how I know that they are asking for food.” 

She had some food in her pocket so she took them  out and fed the tadpoles, naming them as she fed them. Aria named  one Arianna and another one Angela. The tadpoles said thank you then swam away. 

Aria went home then asked her dad “Dad do you know why the tadpoles did not ask for more food?”

“Because that is enough for them.” Dad answers.

“Now I will find some grownup frogs and we will become friends,” she says. Aria looked out on the porch and she found one right in front of her!

“HI,” the frog croaked.

“Hi,” Aria said nervously. The frog croaked and jumped closer. “Whoa”  Aria said. She jumped back and back until the frog jumped inside.

“I like your house, especially the flowers and fruits.”

“Thank you. I will name you Arthur Connan Doyle,” Aria said.

“Great! I love that name.  Arthur said.

“Let's play outside in the pond.” Aria said. It was so fun.  They met some new animals.

“Aria time to come home.” Aria’s dad said.

“We will meet tomorrow because it is Saturday. NO SCHOOL! You can be on the porch if you want to.” Aria said.

“Yes, I will.” Arthur croaked.

And they lived happily ever after.

What do you think will  happen in the next chapter? 

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