Winnie’s Wonderland

Winnies Wonderland 5

Winnie’s Wonderland

by Samhita Singh, 10

A December 2024 Monthly Story Challenge Winner 

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I make my way down the winding stairs, trying not to trip, I’m bundled up in my warmest clothes, but that really doesn’t seem to help. In fact, it makes me even poofier. Layers and layers of jackets, the thickest scarfs in the world, and mittens, oh the mittens. Don’t even get me started on those horrendous- never mind. I look like I'm going to the north pole! I stumble on the last step, the shiny, sleek wooden floor almost laughing at me. 

My sister Bianca looks up from her breakfast, and her eyes get wide. She starts to snicker, her face turning red. I guess I really look that hilarious. Older sisters are the worst. 

My mom is flipping pancakes, and she serves me some. I sit down to eat and begin gobbling up my pancakes. “So where are we going?” I ask. 

“The ice-skating rink, it's a nice day to go.” she replies. “Your dad and I have been wanting to go, but we seem to never have time.”

 I nod. I finish the last of my delicious breakfast and after what seems like an eternity, the rest of my family finishes theirs.

My name is Winnie, and it's the day before Christmas. I can hardly contain my excitement! I walk out the door, a cool blast of air hits me in the face. I wince. 

Bianca and I race to the skating rink. We put on our skates and glide into the rink. Surprisingly, it's empty! The ice is new and clean, no marks or lines on its crystal clear surface. 

Then from behind, my sister bumps into me! I lose balance and fall, Bianca falls on top of me, and we both go skidding across the ice. When we stop, I realize the state of the situation and I start to giggle. Then, Bianca starts to giggle too. 

She gets off on me, and I'm about to get up on my knees, when I notice a pair of very thin lines on the ice, they are light, barely noticeable, and extremely close together. I get up, and glide beside them, following the peculiar tracks. It leads to the end of the rink and then stops. But on the soft snow, there is a large shape, a triangle-oval. It's confusing.

“What's going on over there?” My dad calls to me. 

“Nothing..” I call back, not wanting to let anyone know my find. I look back at my family, they’re laughing and skating. I think I could just investigate a bit more. I guess my curiosity gets the better of me, and as I trudge closer, I realize that it's a large, intricate symbol that I’ve never seen before. 

Suddenly, the symbol begins to glow, and I feel a strange energy coming from it. I reach out to touch it, and as soon as my fingers make contact, I’m transported to a magical world. 

All around me, streaks of red, white, and green spiral in hypnotizing circles, enclosing me. I can't see, my hair whipping around my face. So, I close my eyes and wait for it all to be over. 

Suddenly, the spinning stops, and I am standing in the middle of a... wait, toy factory?!  And it's no ordinary toy factory. Believe me, it's the biggest one I have ever seen in my life! In front of me there is a desk, a bowl of very large candy canes is on it. Next to it there is a sign saying, “Take one.” So, I do. As I’m sucking on the delicious treat, I hear a loud laugh. It's a very jolly one, and when I look in the direction of the sound, I see a big man, with a red coat, white fluff lining the edges, and black boots. Looks a LOT like Santa Claus. 

Wait. Oh my god. No way. 

I would have just thought this is just some fake rip-off, like a mall which went way overboard with the decorations. But, maybe this time, it's real? I mean, what else would explain the weird portal-thing, the spirals of color? The tiny people in ugly Christmas sweaters? 

(Santa??) smiles, his traditional red hat swinging. He strokes his long white beard, and in a deep voice, he says “Well well, look what we have here.” 

I can barely speak. 

“Santa Claus, at your service!” he says, and somehow I manage to stutter “H-hi, Um...I..uh..I’m Winnie.” I bite my lip. There is literally no way this is real. I mean, EVERYbody knows Santa is fake...right? 

“Oh of course, I know you,” he replies. “You are at the tippity-top of the list.” 

“List...?” I start to say, but then it hits me. He can't be talking about.... THE list? I guess I’m at the “tippity-top” of the nice list. I don’t know why, but this kind of surprises me. 

“You seem to be at quite a loss of words. Let's start with a tour around the factory. Of course, unless you have other things to attend to?” he asks.  

I think about my parents and Bianca at home, probably very concerned and worried. I want to say yes so badly to Santa's offer, but I hold back. “ I’m sorry. My family is probably very worried about me.” I say, regretfully. 

“Oh! Not to worry! Time here moves much faster than time there. An hour here is only a quick five minutes there.” he says with glee. 

I am literally blown away by this piece of information. “Wow!” I exclaim. Santa smiles. “Sooooo, is this really the north pole?” I inquire as we are walking along the red and white tiles. 

“Of course, my child. This is a special region, a concealed area. So, nobody ever finds us and our magic.” Santa motions to the space around him. I walk to a window nearby and peek out. All I see is white. “A tremendous snowstorm is happening out there,” he says. I nod. “Come, let us go to the baking room, I bet you Mrs. Claus is cooking up a storm just like this one.” he says, and I smile. 

“Do you really say, “Ho ho ho” a lot?” I ask. 

“Oh goodness me.” he sighs. “I don’t know where the people came up with that one. I do not.” He said matter-of-factly. 

We reach the cookie room, and a delicious aroma seeps under the door, and right into my nostrils, making my mouth water. Santa opens the door, and I see the most magnificent sight ever. There are pots and baking trays, cookie cutters and baking sheets, all around. On an enormous table, there are little peppermint-shaped cookies, gingerbread men, shortbread cookies, and a wide spread of variety which is a story for next time. Smack dab in the middle of the table, there is the most humongous gingerbread house, decorated with the yummiest candies, and placing the last gumdrop on the very top, is Mrs. Claus. 

“Oh hello!” she says in a very sweet, high voice, finally seeming to notice the two anxious-to-eat people in the doorway. “Would you like a cookie?” she asks, “Take as many as you would like.” She motions to the table. 

I nod and walk over to the table and pick up a peppermint candy. Then, I pop it into my mouth and start sucking. I taste the amazing minty sensation, spreading into various parts of my mouth as I relish the taste. Suddenly, I hear a pop! And my mouth and tongue are coated with the most delicious chocolate ever. I can’t even begin to describe it. The sweet gooey treat is phenomenal, wonderful, TERRIFIC! I close my eyes and relax. 

“Oh! That’s one of my newest creations!” Mrs. Claus exclaims, “I'm glad you like it.” She grins, a great big grin. 

“I love it!” I exclaim. 

“Well then, please take this bag of those treats, enjoy it thoroughly!” 

I nod eagerly as she hands the heavy, lumpy bag to me. “This has been great and all, but is there any way you could get me back home?” I ask. 

“Oh of course!” Mrs. Claus replies. “But I'm afraid that's Mr. Santa’s department over there.” She smiles. 

I turn towards Santa, and he motions for me to come with him. I wave goodbye to Mrs. Claus and thank her for the candy. Then Santa leads me out of the room and into a furnished red elevator. We go down and the door opens. Santa steps out and I follow him. The room in which we have arrived is a mysterious and magical one. It's vast and expanded. Glowing a dim purple, blue, and green, the room seems to be..... 

“Portals. this is the portal room.” Santa says. He walks over to a huge computer and clicks a big red and white button that looks like a peppermint. Then, out of the ordinary, “portals” begin popping all over the place. They are all shapes and sizes, but they all have the same look. A pitch black shape with a purplish, bluish, greenish aura. The atmosphere around it seems to be distorted, like a black hole, bending time and space. 

Santa types in something on the computer, and a small circle portal suddenly expands, taking up half the room. I look at Santa quizzically and he says, “It's been a pleasure meeting you. But this is the way to where you really belong.” 

Yeah right. In clumsy-land? “Bye....It's been a pleasure too.” I say. Then, I jump. 

As I enter the hole, I feel the same sickly feeling as before. I hold on tight to my bag of candy. My eyes flutter open, and I realize that I’m back in the real world, standing in the ice skating rink. I look around, and my family is still skating, unaware of my magical adventure.

I smile, savoring the memory of my encounter with Santa and Mrs. Claus. I decide to keep my experience a secret, I know that it was something special that I will always cherish. 

As the sun begins to set, my family decides to head home. We all take off our skates and start walking. As we walk, I think about the amazing day I’ve had. I know that I will never forget my visit to Santa's workshop, and I’m so grateful for the experience. I guess that sometimes, the best gifts are the ones that can't be wrapped.

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