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  • How to Improve Vocabulary: Add 5 New Words Per Day Like This Young Writer!

How to Improve Vocabulary: Add 5 New Words Per Day Like This Young Writer!

Late night Acorn Show TINY1

I know, I know.

Amongst many of the questions that we receive from parents is this:

"How to improve vocabulary?"

Some kids despise new words. They're given a list, asked to look up the definition, and then asked to write a sentence. Ugh. But how can we improve their vocabulary?

Well, besides teachers and parent using fun new words in their presences, what if I told you that silly stories are the key?

Even better, what if it was in the context of an outrageous late night variety show? Each scene adds a new guest, topic, and vocabulary word.

Does the vocabulary usage need to be spot on? Not always. It just needs to be used. The more exposure to the word, and the more playfulness that surrounds it, the better it will be retained. After all it takes more than 17 exposures for a word to settle in our daily usage.

New vocabulary words have the potential to empower and entertain. For clever vocabularians, elevated terms serve both for precision AND to show their sophistication. Let's face it, a refined personal lexicon garners respect.

Those who practice acquiring new words as a fun daily habit not only can astound their teachers but may even impress mentors who are willing to help with their success.  


One Student’s Hilariously-Effective Vocabulary Stories Method

So, when I learned that one of our pupils enjoys expanding her vocabulary using her own method, I was curious to find out how she does it.

Candice is a unicorn-loving, 12-year-old homeschooler who ice skates competitively.  She’s known for her ebullient nature and her side-splitting stories. She along with her brother Caleb are kids who relish a fun challenge and often approach them with a smart sense of humor.

With this in mind, Candice, is already employing most of those best practices, in her own uproarious, unique way. 

Without further ado, here is her method that she presented to us. 

How I usually create my Vocabulary Short Stories: A Guide 

by Candice

  1. I normally use Vocabulary.com to find some interesting words I haven’t seen before. The website has explanations that pop up after you answer a question. 
  2. I open my Google Doc and type in five of my new words. Then, I think of a way to connect all five words in one story. For example, if I had “bloom” and “thatch” as some words, I might make a story about a coconut growing roof thatching that occasionally bloomed baby coconuts. 
  3. I normally make my stories less than one page and in a news flash format, just for ease of writing, but you can make the story as short or as long as you’d like!
  4. To remember the words even more, I normally make it a goal to have a “word of the day.” I try to use this word at least once in my daily conversations.

That’s it! Very easy, awesomely fun, and it will help you retain new vocabulary! 


Thank you, Candice! 


Introducing Candice’s Late Night Acorn Show!

Let’s Hunt for the Vocabulary Words!

Here’s just a few of Candice’s hilarious, riotous, vocabulary stories. 

See if you can identify the words she’s playing with. Have fun!


The Late Night Acorn Show! 

Hosted by Ginger A. Freckleburger!!!

Audience: *yay woohoo go ginger!*

It’s 6/13/22!

Sponsored by Beary’s Apothecary!

Now selling: B-Gone-Blather!

Ladies and gentlemen, today on the Late Night Acorn Show, we are talking with Oats F. Freckleburger and his opinion on his unrelated brother, Panther. Could Beary’s Apothecary cure his bombast?

Ginger: “So, Oats, many people tell me you are not very fond of Panther.”

Oats: “That’s right! That stony cat is an absolute wisenheimer! Nothing can stop this boorish Kittian!”

Ginger: “Hmmmmm. I may have a solution! B-Gone-Blather!”

Oats: “Please! I’ll do anything to rid my unrelated brother of his pomposity!”

Ginger: “This B-Gone-Blather will instantly yank your unrelated brother right back down to Earth! Only sold at Beary’s Apothecary!” 

Oats: “Uh, why is this starting to sound like a commercial???”

Ginger: “No reason! Oats, you say the ending.”

Oats: “Yay! See you next time on the Late Night Acorn Show!” 


What vocabulary did you think she used? Check to see and play the game!

1. If you found these then YAY! 5 points!

  • Apothecary
  • bombast
  • stony
  • wisenheimer
  • pomposity

2. Now, find each defintion on Dictionary.com Or use Youglish.com for 5 more points! WOO HOO!

3. Next, write your own story using these words or your own new vocabulary! Do that a give yourself 10 Points!

 Email your story to [email protected] and we'll share your fun story on an upcoming blog post!



The Late Night Acorn Show! 

Hosted by Ginger A. Freckleburger!!!

Audience: *yay woohoo go ginger!*

It’s 6/10/22!

Ginger: Hello and welcome to the Late Night Acorn Show! I’m your host, Ginger H. Freckleburger. Today, we will be going to the Spice Banquet! This unmatched paragon of spiciness is only outmatched by… NOTHING!!! 

The myriad of different delicacies is incredible, and I intend to taste each and every one. I must admit, I have a predilection for the Xtra Spicy Trafalgar Acorns™. However, I will try to keep an open mind, and try some of the exalted dishes that festival goers swear by. 

Xtra Spicy Trafalgar Acorns™: as predicted, very delicious.

Super Spicy Mango Ghost Pepper Pecan Pie: also incredible and very very very very very very very very very very very spicy. 

Triple Layer Chili Pepper Ice Cream Cake: swings between palliative and fiery!

Pepper X Wedding Cake: the chili pepper designs were very beautiful!

Pepper Infused Water: burns while it cools!

That's all folks! See ya next time on the Late Night Acorn Show!

What vocabulary did you think she used? Check to see and play the game!

1. If you found these then YAY! 5 points!

  • paragon
  • outmatched
  • delicacies
  • predilection
  • exalted
  • palliative
  • fiery

2. Now, find each defintion on Dictionary.com Or use Youglish.com for 5 more points! WOO HOO!

3. Next, write your own story using these words or your own new vocabulary! Do that a give yourself 10 Points!

 Email your story to [email protected] and we'll share your fun story on an upcoming blog post!



The Late Night Acorn Show! 

Hosted by Ginger A. Freckleburger!!!

Audience: *yay woohoo go ginger!*

It’s  6/9/22!

Today on the Late Night Acorn show, we are here with Grease, a professional portraiture artist.

Ginger: “So tell me, is it true that you sometimes aggrandize your clients’ looks? No offense but also offense.”

Grease: “NO! Of course not. My client’s visage is beautiful enough.” 

Ginger: “But many say you are a deceitful and deceptive liar. I’ve heard many things about your egomaniac tendencies, and how you somehow always paint your face instead of your client’s!!!” 

Grease: “Well, no, that just happens to be my style!” 

Ginger: “OH YEAH??? THAT’S ‘YOUR STYLE????’ Well I just happen to be one of your clients, and I got THIS!” 

(Ginger pulls out a hideous portrayal of Grease dressed like Ginger.)

Grease: “That looks just like you! See? I did not transmute your stupid ugly face in any way!”

Ginger: “Okay, that's quite enough! GET OUTTA HERE!!” 

(*kicks Grease’s butt*)

What vocabulary did you think she used? Check to see and play the game!

1. If you found these then YAY! 5 points!

  • portraiture
  • aggrandize
  • offense
  • visage
  • deceitful
  • deceptive
  • egomaniac
  • hideous

2. Now, find each defintion on Dictionary.com Or use Youglish.com for 5 more points! WOO HOO!

3. Next, write your own story using these words or your own new vocabulary! Do that a give yourself 10 Points!

 Email your story to [email protected] and we'll share your fun story on an upcoming blog post!



The Late Night Acorn Show! 

Hosted by Ginger A. Freckleburger!!!

Audience: *yay woohoo go ginger!*

It’s  6/8/22!

Ginger: After Lobstery H. Freckleburger revealed the date of the Lying Games spurious, many have expressed incredulity. They believe this arresting incident to be another hoax, another sham by the great scammer, intended to fritter away the precious minutes and moolah of his devoted followers. 

Even though this lobster, my completely unrelated third cousin, is diminutive in size, his loquacious personality makes it easy for him to lure in new victims. 

Be careful out there, and make sure you buy your Champion Lying Gear! That’s all for today folks! Ginger out!!!!!! 

What vocabulary did you think she used? Check to see and play the game!

1. If you found these then YAY! 5 points!

  • spurious
  • incredulity
  • arresting
  • hoax
  • sham
  • fritter
  • moolah
  • diminutive
  • loquacious

2. Now, find each defintion on Dictionary.com Or use Youglish.com for 5 more points! WOO HOO!

3. Next, write your own story using these words or your own new vocabulary! Do that a give yourself 10 Points!

 Email your story to [email protected] and we'll share your fun story on an upcoming blog post!



There’s a lot more from Candice. 

In fact, she’s been writing these everyday! She’s prolific!

“Ya! Woo Hoo! Go, Candice!!!”

If you want to see more of her awesome Late Night Acorn Show Vocab Stories, let us know, and we’ll post some more! 

If you want to know how to improve vocabulary like Candice, do your best to play with at least five (5) vocabulary words a day. 

Write a story and use those words to the best of your ability. 

When you do, please send your stories and I will share them on this blog post! 

Have fun!

Royd Hatta

Writing Coach

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