Photo: Christina @ on Unsplash How to do an InterviewInterviews! The fast track to expert opinions and answers. Or, what one student jokingly said, "Let the expert write your research paper for you!" Well, almost. If you’re trying to gather the latest information about your topic, ...
We invited our former homeschooling student, Micah Ackerman Hirsch to share his wonderful techniques and poetry tips for our young poets and writers. Micah is a graduate of University of Puget Sound, an amazing liberal arts college, and is an accomplished writer with an interest ...
Every storyteller or writer will tell you a story needs a hero with a strong Want. A Want can be simple: A boy wants a pack of baseball cards. Why? Because it might have a Wander Franco card worth $2,247! Yes, “Wants” can lift us ...
Add Depth and Direction To Your Essay with “Even though” Statements When students write their persuasive articles or literary analyses, they primarily focus on summarizing the story and adding transitions for flow. But an essay of that sort has little, if any, value at all. ...
Many of you know us through our Meetup groups where we mainly focus on fiction writing and story. But in the last 20 years, our homeschooling community enjoy our company for a bit more. Besides our popular poetry classes, and recently a comic & graphic ...
I know, I know. Amongst many of the questions that we receive from parents is this: "How to improve vocabulary?" Some kids despise new words. They're given a list, asked to look up the definition, and then asked to write a sentence. Ugh. But how ...
We see it all the time. Reluctant writers are overly critical of themselves and afraid that we may see them as terrible students. Their confidence dwindles until they can only produce a few words before throwing their hands up in frustration. So what shall we do? How ...
If your daughter or son has ever taken a story course or workshop from us, they’ve probably heard us say “Make Us Worry.” It’s advice that many young writers from elementary school through high school have never heard before, mostly because it sounds dangerous. Even taboo. But ...
These Six Paragraph Types Will Inspire your Young Writer to Keep Moving Forward with their Story.It happens often. Kids will have a great premise for a story, write for a good ten minutes, and suddenly they’re stumped.“What do I write NOW?” they might ask. Here’s a ...
Photo by Ryan Song on Unsplash Writing Prompts are a fun way to begin creating a story, but what happens after you finish with the first paragraph? Here are three plotting secrets in the beginning of stories that will help you moooove in the right ...
Have you ever stared at a blank sheet of paper, wondering how to start a story or an essay? You’re not alone. Yep, many famous authors find themselves momentarily lost, not knowing how to begin, or write the next scene. Well, consider this: a sandcastle is built ...