After Rain
by Sierra Elman (Age 12)
sweet earthly scent
evokes image of serenity,
chirp of chickadee,
crow of sleek raven,
declares finale of
the rainstorm
sky rocks itself
to sleep beneath its
vast gray quilt, as a
final trickle of water
seeps from a crack in
the intricately sewn
blanket, dripping down
onto the ground, drenching
the soil, the playful squirrels,
the birds that sing their
tunes that engulf the planet
in their calm
placid breeze tickles trees,
scattering five-petaled pink
flowers to the lawn, until the
grass has magenta spots, threaded
with the droplets of water that fill
each cup-like limb of the blossom
gentle wind whistles, the orchestra
to the avians, performance displayed
for onlooking child, sitting in window,
gazing at scene after rain
Tween Poetry Award: I love how this piece leads us from one beautiful image to one that is expansive enough to immerse us into its vast landscape. Each stanza seems to grow in color from greys to various hues that we can play in. Gorgeous.
Comments: Judges said, a "Sophisticated piece" by a "talented author" that "manages to make a depressing day, into one of wonder."
Photo by Brett Sayles on Pexels