Scythe the Snake

Scythe the Snake JJ1

Scythe the Snake

by J.J. Vyas, 10

A December 2024 Monthly Story Challenge Winner 

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Once upon a time, in a dark forest, there was a snake. The  animals called him Scythe because he had sharp teeth. 

One day, Scythe saw a trail of footprints beyond his territory, so he followed them. On the way, there he saw a piranha plant with long legs who told Scythe, “Come with me. Tigers are planning to hunt you.”  Scythe followed the plant. A couple hours later, he arrived at a company called ADF standing for Animal Designing Factory. 

The piranha pushed Scythe into the building. 

Scythe said, “Where am I?” 

The piranha plant said, “You’ll see.” 

Scythe was carried into the factory and told that he was designed by ADF. Scythe said,"Why didn’t you tell me!” 

The factory worker changed the subject and said, “You have metal bones and you were a test to make a newer design of yourself. And here is Scythe 2!” 

Scythe looked at the better version of himself. He saw it had flaming teeth and spikes on its skin and shot fire out of its mouth. It stabbed Scythe with its burning tail. But it only burned Scythe's skin and his metallic skull wasn't damaged.   

Now Scythe was close enough to bite the other metallic snake. As he bit the other snake, he heard a loud crack as he cracked Scythe 2’s rib. Scythe tried to slither away. He saw a bunch of mud on the floor, which made Scythe 2 slip, and gave Scythe time to escape. 

After a couple of minutes, Scythe’s skin grew back and he finally slithered out of the building. As he left, he saw a large pit of lava. A couple hours later Scythe was lost in the forest so he asked a wolf which way to leave the forest. 

The wolf said, “Go five miles east.” Scythe gave the wolf a metal rib of Scythe 2 as a gift, and went to leave the forest.

Scythe saw another wolf walking around but he didn’t want to fight it because he would just kill another animal. He walked around it and kept walking east. A couple hours later, Scythe started to feel tired so he found a small cave to sleep in. 

The next day he woke up and the wolf was gone. He decided to keep walking east and after a long time he arrived in the desert. 

After a couple days of searching, he didn’t find anything so he went a different way. 

He found a huge group of wolves surrounding him. Scythe tried to escape but one of the wolves leapt onto him and bit him on his neck. Scythe saw the wolf crack his tooth. The wolves all charged at him and Scythe ran away from them because the wolves could still hurt him in his stomach where there were no metal bones. A couple of minutes later, Scythe outran the wolves and kept going east. Later, he saw the same piranha plant that had legs who betrayed him.

The piranha plant said, “I can’t believe you survived the                                                                 Scythe 2!” 

Then Scythe said, “Why did you bring me to that company?”

The piranha plant said, “See this barcode on my leg? That barcode shows that I'm from ADF. They make me bring other animals to the company so ADF can design better versions of that animal.” 

Scythe asked, “Who owns this company?” 

The piranha plant said “I do.”  Then he pushed Scythe down with his arms and Scythe bit the piranha plant's head off and its head grew back. 

Scythe had an idea. 

Scythe remembered there was a pit of lava at the ADF building, but it was five miles west. So he went west towards it. 

Finally, they arrived at the pit of lava but the piranha plant didn’t see the pit. He pushed the plant into the lava. The piranha plant grabbed onto Scythe and they both fell into the pit. As Scythe fell he saw the wolf with Scythe 2’s rib! The wolf dropped it down, and Scythe caught it with his teeth and stuck it into a wall. But the piranha plant was still holding onto him, so Scythe hit it with his tail. The piranha plant fell in the lava.

Scythe's body was magnetic to the wall so he slithered upward until he got out of the pit. And once he got out of the pit, Scythe thanked the wolf and walked back home with the wolf. On his way home he noticed ADF was still designing new animals so he walked closer to the building to see what was happening. The wolf said, “Scythe, come back, someone might see you there!” Scythe ignored him and kept looking. A couple seconds later, Scythe saw another piranha plant and it looked at them. Then he heard the piranha plant yell to them, “You killed my father!” 

The wolf told Scythe, “Hurry, he's coming after us!” It chased them for miles and miles until they arived at a dead end. Scythe saw the wolf bite one of the piranha arms and it grew two more arms and ripped the wolf apart.

 Then Scythe slithered around them and went back into his territory.  But on his way back the piranha plant grabbed him, pulled Scythe toward him and the piranha plant stabbed him in his chest, grabbing his spine so he could not escape.

Then the piranha plant threw him in a river because he wasn’t able to swim. After a couple of minutes, Scythe saw a crocodile swimming toward him so Scythe hid behind it and jumped onto the crocodile when it was close to him.The crocodile hit him off his back which flung Scythe onto the sandy coastline of the river. 

Once Scythe got up he went into a cave to rest when he saw a tiger from ADF growl at him. Now he had to fight the tiger.

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