The Story of The Snakes

Story of Snakes Santi1

The Story of The Snakes

by Santi Blas-Vyas, 12

A December 2024 Monthly Story Challenge Winner 

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Once upon a time, there were three snakes. They are named Razor, Tooth, and Claw. Razor, Tooth, and Claw lived in the Himalayan Mountains, which are the tallest in the world and have temperatures below freezing. These snakes are extremely dangerous and kill anyone within eyesight that may be a threat. They are robotic snakes but look like cobras on the outside to disguise themselves. They are blood-red colored with eyes that look like they can see right through you.  

   There is a spy team in San Francisco with one thousand and four people called TAS -  Team Against Snakes. TAS has their main headquarters in San Francisco and another location in Asia. Both their locations pretend to be banks. They have been hearing some suspicious behavior in the Himalayan mountains like deaths and strange disappearances. TAS is sending a robot  named AAI that they designed to report where the snakes are. Once AAI. completes the mission, two troops will bring AAI to their location in Asia. 

There are two hundred robots like AAI that were designed and built by TAS but AAI is the only functioning model. AAI is referred to as a boy even though he is a robot.

AAI walked deep into the Himalayan mountains and saw a portal. As he began to walk towards it, he saw three snakes guarding it.

“I’m Claw and this is Razor and Tooth,” said Claw (one of the three snakes) pointing his tail to the other snakes. Claw, Razor, and Tooth had their mouths right above his brain and were about to summon their master. “You are a threat to our master therefore you will be held prisoner” said the three snakes in unison. Two snakes stood guard and the other watched from twenty feet away looking at AAI with hatred that he had never seen in someone’s eyes. 

He knew he had to think of something for the sake of this mission. Suddenly he had an idea. “I’m your master in my full form. I am no enemy, you weaklings.”

 “Uh, we are so sorry for our misunderstanding my lord,” replied Tooth quickly. “You may pass into the portal to the planet Scale.”

AAI stepped into the portal and landed on a desert with sand and nothing else. He walked for a half mile in 100 degree weather when he looked over his shoulder and realized the portal closed behind him! Then he laid down and fell asleep in the hot sand. 

He woke up inside of a throat, the throat of something that  AAI identified as a huge robotic snake that had swallowed him! He got out his knife and used it to climb up the snake one step at a time. When he reached the top of the snake’s mouth, the snake spit him out and some venom in the snake’s mouth hit AAI. He looked around and saw an oasis and started walking there. After a couple of minutes he was twenty feet away from the Oasis when he saw the snake had survived and hissed, then shot some burning acid from fifty feet away.

AAI ran and jumped in the Oasis and managed to get in the water, but wounded his leg in the process. When he tried to get out of the Oasis he went through a hole and at the end of the hole was a cave. Because of his wounded leg, he decided he should message TAS. 

“I have found snakes that haven’t been spotted before in the middle of the Himalayan mountains. They were guarding a portal to the planet Scale. Go through the portal to an Oasis and I will be there.” 

Two minutes later, one soldier from TAS came over to him and said, “My name is Bob and I’m here to help you.” 

“Thank you,” AAI replied. 

Bob then said, ”The only way to go back to the Himalayan mountains is to go deeper in the caves.” Then Bob pulled the alarm. AAI immediately realized what was going on and used his knives in his hand and stabbed Bob because Bob was not on his side. Bob was really a robotic snake!                                                                                          

When Bob fell, he split open, which revealed metal and wires. The wires were wiggling like snakes trying to survive before the snake’s last breath. AAI looked in horror as the snake’s wires turned into baby snakes. Then the snakes charged at him and covered him from head to toe and AAI got knocked out.

AAI woke up and found himself sitting in a jail cell with a snake watching him. “You will from now on listen to my orders. You will go to the place where you were made and blow up the entire TAS headquarters in San Francisco.” Then the snake leader looked at AAI and said, “I’m sorry I have to do this to you but you have no use to my people. I’m going to destroy you and TAS.” 

The snake tied AAI to a missile. “3,2,1 fire!” The missile went to the building where AAI was made and destroyed the building and AAI himself. 

Minutes later police arrived and the ambulance put the wounded in an ambulance truck.

The next day at 8 AM the news reporter said, “There was a missile that destroyed TAS headquarters and it took the police two minutes to arrive. Local police are suspecting that the missile was fired by a group of terrorists. TAS are investigating but there is very little evidence of how this was caused.”  

Ozzy, the lead detective of TAS, turned off the TV and looked at the remaining workers at TAS headquarters in San Francisco. “The only way we can find out what happened to AAI is with this memory chip,” he explained. After the explosion, I took the chip from AAI so we could access what’s in his memory.” Everyone remaining at TAS  saw the beginning to the last point in AAI’s memory with the memory chip. 

“It all made sense. The snakes sent a missile to destroy the building because they didn’t want people spying on them. Now we must find where the snakes are located,” said Julia Wilkins, the chief officer of TAS. “And also everyone has to work late because we don’t know how much time we're going to have.” 

“So call your family to let them know you’re on an important mission because there’s no time to waste,” Ozzy added.


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